Intro . .

hiya! i'm moyi or vyn ! known as kuyorie ! find me on pin insta or twt

make some archive carrd ib elrisfy on twt
this carrd layout ib are by chiggiri on twt

• Moyi's Profile •

About Me

moyi ! she doll, aro spectrum. estj, asian, eng or 中文 :D aries, and i'm true neutral . .

note this carrd may not look aesthetic because this is mostly for info ! !


friends im very bad at initiating in conversations, i make alot of misunderstandings, please be paitent with me because of my bad mental health.
mutuals same thing with friends section but ill be alot more distant and awkward.


basic criteria racists, transphobes, ableists, homophobes, xenophobes, pedophiles, antisemetic.
fandoms dsmp, toxic genshin stans, weird ass cookie run fans, undertale, insane kpop stans, toxic enstarries, luxiem weirdos.
conditions under 13, over 23, extremely mentally ill ( i cant cope with you either im already bad enough ) no mutual interests
other i'll just block you if i dont like you. i will hard block and i block whoever i want.

about requests..

no longer taking carrd reqs.
all listings will no longer continue, strangers who ask will be blocked.
95% crds here are old and outdated, info there no longer applies. accurate updated crds is whatever is in my socials bios & this crd


this carrd may not look good on certain devices such as android mobile. pc or ios recommended
the purpose of thus carrd is for information and carrd listing only so it may not look appealing.
this crd url has changed so previous carrds with links to this crd rkive no longer work unless new or updated. i dont update old crds but make new ones.